Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FW: ms announcements


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The 7th grade rocked the court in McBain last night winning the match in the first 3 games, 25-10 25-12 and 25-15.  They also won two extra games 25-14 and 25-13 before falling in the 6th game 15-10.  Everyone did a great job and played like a team.  Last night the 8th grade volleyball team lost a tough game to McBain 25-12, 21-25 and 19-25. Watch the girls in action next at Manton October 4th, at 6 pm. Good job ladies!

Student Council will meet for a short time outside Mrs. Gottschall’s room on Wednesday during Homeroom.


Congratulations to the following students.  They are being asked to join Natural Helpers. Jake Anderson, Bethany Elders, Jasmine Riedl, Dylan Satchell, Sadie Henneman, Lucas Marion, Devin Root, Brandon Young, Kathleen Bradley, Hollie Eising, Alana Morgan, Malia Wright, Destiny Young.


The Missaukee County sheriff’s office is sponsoring an ORV training class on October 9.  You must pre-register by calling 839-4338 extension 1.


Beginning today, you can purchase raffle tickets for an 8GB iPod Touch. Tickets may be purchased before or after school from Mr. Kent. Cost $1.00 Drawing will be held on October 29th.  Second prize: $25.00 iTunes card,  Third prize: Mrs. Linderman’s Scooby Doo Mystery Machine Lunch Box. Proceeds go to help fund Camp Rotary.