Friday, October 8, 2010



Friday, October 8, 2010



Student Council please go to Mrs. Gottschall room for a quick meeting at this time.


There will be a dance today  from 3:05 until 5.  The cost is $2.  Pizza and pop will be sold.  Hot Traxx will dj.  School rules apply so appropriate dress and behavior is expected. Please have your ride here at 5 to pick you up.


The 8th grade volleyball team defeated the Evart Wildcats in straight sets -  21-5, 21-14 and 16-14. The 7th grade volleyball team won a great match against the Wildcats of Evart last night --   21-11, 22-20 and 15-12 the team remains undefeated! Great job girls!  The teams play at NMC on Monday.



You can purchase raffle tickets for an 8GB iPod Touch. Tickets may be purchased before or after school from Mr. Kent. Cost $1.00