Monday, April 18, 2011



Monday, April 18, 2011


Admission to the next dance, which is scheduled for Friday, May 13, will be free. 


Students:  Make sure you have your lunch charges paid.


There will be an open gym for 7th and 8th grade girls for basketball this Sunday from noon to 2:00 PM in the middle school gym.


Yearbooks can still be purchased if students did not do so yet. Forms can be picked up in the library and office.


 The Wexford-Missaukee Career Tech Center will be holding summer camps June 15-17.  Explore one of many exciting 3-day camps full of hands-on activities and programs.  This camp is open to grade 6 to 8.  Stop in the office and pick up a blue form.


A reminder to students walking to the high school/elementary building, you need to go one street towards town and then walk to the other building.  You are not to walk on Houghton Street.  Along this same note, students should not be walking through someone's yard to get to or from school.  Please walk on the sidewalk or road's edge.


Students:  Remember if you are absent from school you or your parents can check the teachers' blog to see what assignments you missed.