Monday, June 4, 2012

Lake City Middle School Bulletin for Monday, June 04, 2012

Sports Physicals.... a reminder that students planning to be in a sport next year will need a new sports physical. Physical cards can be turned in to the middle school office. You must have a new physical in order to participate in athletics next year.

Reminder to students.... Reminder to students walking to the high school/elementary building.... you must walk to Huron Street and then walk over to the high school/elementary building. You are NOT to walk on Houghton Street.

Lost & Found... check out the lost and found table by the gym. All items not claimed will be donated to charity at the end of the school year.

Student folders will be deleted of all documents over the summer. If you wish to keep any of your work, you must save it yourself....

Boater's Safety Course will be offered on June 23 at the EMS building beginning at 8 am. You must be 12 years old, you must bring a sack lunch and you must pre-register by calling 839-4338 extention #1