Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lake City Middle School Bulletin for Wednesday, January 13, 2016

6th Grade Camp Rotary Just a reminder that the office is accepting payment ($40) for 6th grade students heading to Camp Rotary during the last week of February and first week of March. This is a one week camp that students are excited to attend!

Popcorn Day Popcorn will be Friday! If you are interested in a bag of popcorn, please give $0.50 to your advisory teacher by Thursday.

7th and 8th Grade Students Any 7th or 8th grade student interested In wrestling, please sign up in the middle school office during your lunch. Practice will begin on January 18. You must have a physical on file in order to participate.

Students Reminder to all students, when you are walking to and from school, please use the sidewalks that are provided.

Lockers Reminder to all students that you must be using your locker combinations.

Jumpstart Just a reminder that Jumpstart will began meeting tomorrow, Thursday January 14th.

6th Grade Boys Attention: All 6th grade boys who are interested in basketball. Saturday Youth Basketball Camp is back. Stop into the office to grab a sign-up form, the cost is $25 for 4-Saturday Sessions. Forms need to be turned into the office with payment by Friday January 22nd. If you are playing travel league, YOUR COACH WILL WANT YOU TO BE AT THIS CAMP! If you have questions see Coach Besko.