Friday, May 27, 2011


ANNOUNCEMENTS – Friday, May 27, 2011

8th grade girls if you are interested in participating in football cheer, sign up with Mrs. Vokes today.

6th grade girls summer basketball camp information and sign-up sheets are available in the office. 

8th grade boys interested in playing JV Basketball next year, there is a sign up sheet in the office.

Band student: be sure to pay the band charges that you have in the office.  Also your fundraising money is due.

Any 8th grade art student that had work on display for the 8th grade farewell concert you may pick up your pieces in Mrs. Linderman's room during homeroom today.

Track pizza party will be Tuesday until 4 pm

A reminder to students walking to the high school/elementary building, you need to go one street towards town and then walk to the other building.  You are not to walk on Houghton Street.  Along this same note, students should not be walking through someone's yard to get to or from school.  Please walk on the sidewalk or road's edge.