Thursday, May 26, 2011


ANNOUNCEMENTS – Thursday, May 26, 2011

 7th and 8th grade girls and boys interested in running cross country in the fall, there is a meeting today  during homeroom  in Mr. Robertson's room.

7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball there is a meeting in the  gym today during homeroom.

8th grade girls if you are interested in participating in football cheer, sign up with Mrs. Vokes today or tomorrow.

Track pizza party will be next Tuesday until 4 pm

A big thank you goes out to the kids and parents that helped out at the rummage sale, and to the generous people that donated  returnables, box tops, items to sell and homemade baked goods. Last but not least to all the people that stopped to shop we owe you a huge thank you.  With all of the support we were able to raise $1154.12 to go toward the 2012 6th grade Camp Rotary trip.

A reminder to students walking to the high school/elementary building, you need to go one street towards town and then walk to the other building.  You are not to walk on Houghton Street.  Along this same note, students should not be walking through someone's yard to get to or from school.  Please walk on the sidewalk or road's edge.